The 'Annie' is made of breathable and stretchy Lycra with a leather part. For extra comfort and space! This shoe is suitable, for example, if you suffer from bunions or hammer toes. Available in the colors black, blue and brown.
Sizes: M, W, XW 5.5-10 and 11 (*10.5 not available)<
Built on ledges: C Available in width : M, W, XW
Measuring specification: Please measure foot length and ball circumference,including body weight Ball Circumference: Measure from the widest en point of the forefoot. Always count an extra ±10mm for the ball circumference. Now, with these numbers, look on the dimension card (last 2 pictures) at the right bars (A, B for men's shoes, C, D for women). 2. column = foot length 3rd-6th Column = Ball Circumference
Choose the size you want. Length and Width. Unpairs are also possible! We would be happy to advise you! If you have any questions, we are happy to help. Voetmanschap or directly SGI Footcare, importer of Dr.Comfort +31 (0) 516- 769 000