flexible-thin liquid. remains flexible after drying20gArt.nr.: 72006 Nuclear glue with a green cap
medium fluid. for all slightly absorbent materials. easy to dose20gArt.nr.: 72002
runny. for all non-absorbent materials. easily spreadable20gArt.nr.: 72000
Elastic epoxy casting resin- Can be mixed with Araldit OP- Slow curing. almost no shrinkageAraldit is hardened with exactly 20% HY 956. other dosages lead tocuring problems.Quantity : 1 kgArt...
Hard epoxy casting resin without solvents. slow curing- Can be mixed with Araldite CY221- Slow curing. almost no shrinkageAraldit is hardened with exactly 20% Hy 956. other dosages lead tocuring...
Acrylic-based gelled sealing resin.- Glassy- For sealing leather- For bonding with fillers on wood and PUR rigid foamArt.nr.: 82407
Very light acrylic putty- Use e.g. B. for shaft narrowing- Easy to model and grind- Adheres very well to acrylic resin partsArt.nr.: 36225