High quality and hard epoxy resin. Especially for processing withCarbon fibers suitable. Contains styrene.- No delamination- Conditionally thermoformable- Fast setting time- High resistance to dynamic stressHardening of EpoxCarbon with 1-3%...
hard. pre-accelerated polyester casting resin with fast curing timeArt No: 1510
BKF SEAL for bonding acrylic. Wooden and PUR rigid foam parts. to theSealing leather and laminating very hard parts. A hard andbrittle acrylic resin with fast curing time.Art No: 2109
BKF PLASTISCH is an acrylic casting resin for the production of flexible components. It iscan be mixed with all other BKF acrylic resinsArt No: 2309
BKF LAMINATION RESIN 80 : 20 tried and tested for laminating. Balanced inViscosity and strength for most applications. An afterthoughtthermoplastic deformation is possible.Art No: 2009
BKF CARBON RESIN is thinner and specially equipped for theProcessing of carbon fabrics. I.e. for high-quality cast resin parts. atwhich it depends on the highest strength and mainly withcarbon fabrics...
Synthetic bandage for the production of negatives in last construction and forSocket securing in prosthesis construction.- Length 3.6mArt.nr.: 80035
flexible material for moldinghollow bodiesMixing ratio A : B = 100 : 40parts by weightdo not store below 15°CComponent A 1kgArt.nr.: 83127 MOLDER