Elastic epoxy casting resin- Can be mixed with Araldit OP- Slow curing. almost no shrinkageAraldit is hardened with exactly 20% HY 956. other dosages lead tocuring problems.Quantity : 1 kgArt...
Hard epoxy casting resin without solvents. slow curing- Can be mixed with Araldite CY221- Slow curing. almost no shrinkageAraldit is hardened with exactly 20% Hy 956. other dosages lead tocuring...
sharpened arthrodesis cap forDiving from LaNe® Foresol stiffening fabric. Thicknesses 1.6 and 2.2 mm.(PU=10 pairs)Art.nr.: HL1000
fork joint springs. pre-mounted on cardboard joint. PU = 1 pair 194 4-5Art No: 81130
ASTI-OP is the epitome of PUR rigid foams in the orthopedic trade.BEIL has the right product for you for every applicationTo produce workpieces with bulk densities of 100 -700 kg/m³....