fine carbon fabric for high-strength and stiff laminates.200 gsm. Thickness about 0.30mmPU = 10 or 50 m50 mm Art. 83 252 70 mm Art. 83 253 100 mm Art. 83...
fine carbon fabric for high-strength andstiff laminates.200 gsm. Thickness about 0.30mmPU = 10 or 50 m25 mm Art. 83 222 30 mm Art. 83 223 40 mm Art. 83 224...
fine glass fiber fabric.225 gsm. Thickness approx. 0.22 mmPU = 10 or 100 m50 mm Art. 83 281 80 mm Art. 83 283100 mm Art. 83 284 GLASS BAND BIDIRECTIONAL
fine glass fiber fabric. 600 gsm.Thickness approx. 0.45 mm. PU = 50 m30 mm Art. 83 203 40 mm Art. 83 20450 mm Art. 83 20560 mm Art. 83 20670...
fine. very light fabric for verytough and very strong laminates.Use Kevlar scissors to cut.canvas binding. Weight 170 g/sqm.Thickness approx. 0.35 mmPU = 1 83260 KEVLAR FABRIC
fine carbon fabric for thin-walledlaminates, high strength and rigidity,Twill weave, weight 200 g/sqmPU = 1 sqm PU = 5 running meters rolled on a cardboard coreArt No: 83230 Art No:...
coarse fiberglass fabric. very goodmalleable. 300 gsmPU = 1 83211 GLASSFIBER MAT
fine glass fiber fabric for hardAcrylic and epoxy resin laminates.canvas binding. Weight 200 g/sqm.Thickness approx. 0.20 mmPU = 1 sqmThickness : 0.20 mm200 GRAMSArt No: 83213 GlassSILK FABRIC
fine glass fiber fabric for hardAcrylic and epoxy resin laminates.twill weave. Weight 280 g/sqm.Thickness approx. 0.30 mmPU = 1 sqmThickness : 0.30 mm280 GRAMS Art No: 83217 GlassSILK FABRIC
fine glass fiber fabric for hardAcrylic and epoxy resin laminates.twill weave. Weight 390 gsm.Thickness approx. 0.40 mmPU = 1 sqmThickness : 0.40 mm390 GRAMS Art No: 83210 GlassSILK FABRIC
high rigidity. good heat flow. body sweat resistant. suitable forthe manufacture of container shafts.Processing temperature approx. 160 - 170øCPlate size approx. 400 x 400 200253 STOCK MATERIAL PP COPOLYMER
HPP polypropylene for definitive sockets.Processing temperature approx. 180 - 210øCPlate size approx. 400 x 400 200212 STOCK MATERIAL PP