high quality glue for theinner shoe areaDo not store below 15° C!Processing temperature 20 - 25°C600g canSize : 600 g canArt No: 73222
Loctite 243Special adhesive for medium-strength screw locking up to M 36 thread.high temperature and oil resistance50mlArt.nr.: 83150 Loctite 243
Loctite 241Special adhesive for medium-strength screw locking up to M 12 thread50mlArt.nr.: 83151 Loctite 241
liquid primer for bonding polyurethane100ml bottleArt.nr.: 71402 K™ PUR PLUS PRIMING
for diluting and cleaning and for dippingof cap andstiffening material. toluene free1 liter canArt.nr.: 71240 KORASOLV PU
for orthopedic safety shoes according to BGR191for gluing leather. PVC. PURE.halogenated TR and rubber soles with shaft materials and syntheticantistatic and colorless. toluene free1/1 canArt.nr.: 71103 K™RAPLAST 182