high-quality PU foam system for the production of lastsMixing ratio A : B = 100 : 100 parts by weight(Stir with propeller at 2,500 rpm for 25 seconds)Observe processing instructions!(Safety...
for LaNe silicone release agent1 kgArt.nr.: 82789 LaNe? THINNERFOR RELEASING AGENT OLIVE
Cure with 15-20% LaNe Crosslinker for Silicone Release AgentCuring time approx. 35-45 min. at 15%crosslinker. opt. processing temperature20ø - 25øC1 kgArt.nr.: 82785 LaNe? SILICONE RELEASE AGENTOLIVE
1-component release agent for smoothsurfaces or shapes. can bothsprayed or with a brushbe applied.not suitable for wet plaster0.7kgArt.nr.: 82783 Lane? TECHSPRAY RELEASE AGENT
1-component release agent based onnatural latex. ideal for panningplasters. for wet and dry plaster.dilutable with water1 kgArt.nr.: 82780 Lane? TECHLATEX RELEASE AGENT
1-component release agentwax base1LArt.nr.: 83160 Lane? TECHWAX RELEASE AGENT
for acrylic resinsto adjust the viscosityAdd to desired consistencyis reached. maximum 10%1 kgArt.nr.: 82688 LaNe? TECH THINNER
for curing polyester andacrylic resins500gArt.nr.: 82620 LaNe? TECH HARDENER POWDER
unfilled. low-viscosity 2-component epoxy resinProperties and field of application- Very good wetting of the reinforcement fiber- cold hardening. demoldable at room temperature- Can be used as an impregnating and laminating...
for hardening putty andcastables. Red color50gArt.nr.: 83381 LANE? HARDENER PASTE
based on polyester. can already15-30 minutes to processHardening with 1 - 4% hardener paste1 kgArt.nr.: 83357 QUICK FILLER